Product Launch - Nikon Nikon Z 135mm f/1.8 S Plena
This is the Description Area
You can add a full description for each video and include rich text like bold, italic, underlines and links.
Why is this important?
Because this way you can add a full story/description for each video and rank these pages in search results on Google. If optimized properly, these videos can also show in the ‘Videos’ results on Google, bringing even more traffic to your website.
Example #1: Give context to the project
One of the best ways to utilize this feature is by adding context to each and every video you create. Talk about the story behind the video, the client, your approach/methodology, etc. Talk about the deliverables and timelines to help potential clients understand what goes into a project (allowing you to charge more).
Example #2: Optimize high-traffic keywords
Make sure to optimize these descriptions using proper keywords, headings and internal links. For example if you’re uploading a real-estate video, optimize for keywords such as “NYC Real Estate Video Example” or “New York Real Estate Video”.
That way you can drastically improve your chances of these videos showing in Google’s “videos” results. This is a huge opportunity and one that you absolutely shouldn’t sleep on.
How do I optimize for SEO?
If you want to learn more about optimizing your video agency website for SEO (including keywords, competitive analysis, high-traffic content and AI) then check out this SEO Blueprint course for video agencies.